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MAXgreen Plants Another 3,000 Trees Through!

September 16, 2016

MAXgreen is thrilled to announce our continued partnership with The Carbon Farmer for our tree planting initiatives.

MAXgreen has just purchased another 3,000 trees to be planted in the Ann and Sandy Cross Conservation Area (, just outside of our beatiful City of Calgary, Alberta!!!

This brings our total number of trees planted through the MAXcommunity by MAXgreen Program to 5,000 in Alberta in only 3 years!

Planting these trees not only reforest our beautiful province, but also provide a valuable habitat for all sorts of animals to thrive in.

MAXgreen is committed to giving back to our planet by planting a tree for window and doo

r replace, as well as 5 trees for every roofing or siding project completed.

This is in addition to giving back $10 to local charities for every window and door and $50 for every roofing and siding project completed

Keep an eye out on the following sites for more information about our initiative and to learn about what you can do to give back to our planet!

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