Windows & Patio Doors
We offer environmentally friendly Fibreglass Windows and Patio Doors, and more commonly sought after Vinyl (aka PVC) and Metal Clad Wood Windows.

Window Configurations

Glass Options
Double Glazed
Two panes of glass separated by a spacer bar to create a “sealed unit” to better insulate than single pane glass. Typically filled with Argon Glass to prevent heat escape, and a "Low-E" Coating to keep summer heat out.
Triple Glazed
Three panes of glass separated by two spacer bars provides even more efficiency. Typically combined with Argon Gas and 1 or 2 "LowE" Coatings to increase energy efficiency and comfort.
Suspended Film Technology
A Mylar film is suspended in between out panes of glass, which acts like another pane of glass in terms of greater efficiency, but does not weigh as much as glass. Therefore we can get up to 3 films and 2 panes of glass, for a maximum R-Value of 20 for the center of the glass.
Low-Emmissivity (aka Low-E) Glass
Emissivity means the ability to conduct heat. The lower that is, the more efficient the window is. There are various types of Low-E coatings to provide different levels of energy efficiency, heat blocking, and visible light transmission.
Argon Gas Fill
Argon is an inert, colourless, odourless, harmless gas that is injected into sealed units to provide greater energy efficiency than a standard air fill, because it is more dense than air. This is the most common gas fill option for energy efficient windows.
Krypton Gas Fill
Krypton is another inert, colourless, odourless, and harmless gas, but it is denser than Argon even, however more expensive.
Xenon Gas Fill
Xenon is most dense of the inert gases used in windows, but also the most expensive. This gas is required to get the R-20 Center of Glass Effiiciencies.
Simulated Divided Lites
These 1” wide bars are applied to the exterior and interior panes of the glass (not between the glass). These are great for providing a more traditional look.
Simulated Mullion Lites
These are the same as SDLs, but in a 2” wide pattern. These are great for simulating a single hung look on a better performing casement window, or for achieving a contemporary look.
Obscure Glass Options
Various obscure glass patterns are available for privacy or aesthetic value